Mini Methwold
Mini Methwold is an interactive role play room for up to 20 children within St. George’s Hall Complex in the village of Methwold.
The idea for Mini Methwold was conceived back in January 2017. Methwold Parish Council had taken ownership of the former Methwold Social Club when the former Club’s Members and Trustees felt the Social Club as such was no longer viable and they wanted the Community to benefit from the building’s use.
Initially the Parish Council set up The BIG Community Project group which was subsequently sub divided into smaller groups.
The various groups were given the remit to look into local needs and possible uses for the building as a whole.
One of those teams was named “Early Years” and was tasked with providing the Parish with a facility for pre-school children.
After much team effort and many months of hard work what was once the snooker room was transformed into Mini Methwold, a wonderful place for children & adults to Explore, Imagine and Play ......
The parish council are indebted to all the volunteers who have given and continue to give their time freely to make Mini Methwold the most amazing place, we couldn't do it without you, THANK YOU!