​​​​6th December 2024 - Notice of Casual Vacancy
Help finalise Economic Vision and Strategy for King's Lynn and West Norfolk
Dear Councillors, MPs and Parishes,
We’re getting in touch to invite you to share feedback on an important strategy intended to guide collective efforts for inclusive, sustainable and prosperous economic growth in King’s Lynn and West Norfolk over the next 20-plus years.
Today we’re launching a public consultation on our draft Economic Vision and Strategy, encouraging residents, businesses and other partners to share their thoughts by 13 October. This document sets out an overarching ambition for a vibrant economy by 2045, supported by five key priorities, and once finalised will shape the collective plans and investment of the borough council and a range of other partners.
Shaped through extensive engagement with local residents, community groups, businesses and other stakeholders, the vision is founded on the understanding that a vibrant economy encompasses not only economic growth but also the wellbeing of residents and communities, and the sustainability of towns, places, and natural environment.
Alongside our consultation on the draft vision and strategy, we’re also liaising with key partners to prepare an action plan of specific projects to help deliver the strategy, along with a supporting investment plan setting out the borough’s investment priorities and needs for the next 10 years.
How to get involved and support the consultation
Find out more and take part in the consultation yourself here
Share our social media posts, which will shortly go live on Facebook, X and LinkedIn, to help encourage participation within your communities
Put up the attached poster on any public noticeboards you have access to in your community.
Please direct any queries to economic.development@West-Norfolk.gov.uk
If anyone in your community doesn’t have online access, they are welcome to use the public-access computers available at King’s Court reception and many local libraries. Paper copies of the consultation documents are also available upon request from King’s Court reception or by calling 01553 616200.
We want this to be a shared strategy for our whole borough, recognising it can only be fully achieved with the collective energies and investment of a range of partners. Please take part in the consultation, and encourage others to do so too, to help finalise and agree this important strategy for King’s Lynn and West Norfolk.
Thank you.
On behalf of the Economic Development Team.
Cllr T Grassick, Cllr F Riches and Cllr Rodriguez
Presentation shown at meeting on 13th June 2024
There are three vacancies on the parish council, if you are interested in becoming a parish councillor please contact the Clerk methwoldpc@outlook.com for more information.
SAMs2 and Community Speedwatch Update from Cllr. Minkler
Dear Resident of Methwold Hythe
You may of noticed that the Speed Activated Monitoring (SAM) sign has been placed in the village this week.
My job as Parish Councillor is to place this sign around the parish and monitor the statistics from it. Your Parish Council uses this sign to monitor traffic levels and speeds through all the villages in the Parish and as such the sign moves each week. Next Monday the sign will move to another location and is scheduled to return to Methwold Hythe in 8 weeks.
Unfortunately, looking at the figures produced so far this week, your village has the highest level of speeders with approx 60% of all traffic breaking the speed limit. The average speed of speeders through your village is 38 mph. The top speed recorded so far this week was 55mph on 06/05/2024 @ 22.50
Speedwatch Group
You may have recently seen the Speedwatch group visit your village. This group is made up of volunteers who give up their time to stand beside the road and monitor traffic speed and report offenders to the Police. An offender receives a letter from the Police informing them that they have been observed exceeding the speed limit. Subsequent reports about the same vehicle from any other Speedwatch groups in Norfolk will result in further action.
A recent survey in Brookville has shown that while the Speedwatch group is present, speeders have been reduced from 30% to just 2% !
Unfortunately we do not have enough members in the group to monitor all the villages for as much as we would like but when we can we get together at least 3 members and cover The Hythe.
If we had more members we would be able to help monitor your village more often. More monitoring results in a reduction of speeders over time as each session is not published and regular drivers are not sure if a team is present and naturally slow down just in case. The Speedwatch team now has two sets of equipment and we need this equipment used or it will be taken away.
This is where we need your village to help itself. We need volunteers from your village who can stand with us to make up a team of three. Although you will be fully trained to use the equipment, you need only to stand with us and either write details of the vehicles down on a simple form or just be witness to the speed shown on the speed device. You will always be accompanied by either myself as coordinator or an experienced member of the team from Methwold. You will never be left on your own.
With your help we can reduce the speed through your village and make it a safer place to live.
Please email me in confidence to show your interest and we will arrange a time for you to meet the team and see how it all works. If you then would like to join the team I will ask you to complete a simple one page form so that the Norfolk Police can authorise you. Authorisation takes approx 2 weeks so a new Methwold Hythe team can be up and running by June this year.
Email: mpcsw@icloud.com
Kindest Regards Richard Minkler
Methwold Parish Council have two vacancies - please click here to see Co-option Notice
How To Contact The Local Police Team Information
Mobile Library Update - May 2023
We are writing to let you know about the changes that are being made to the mobile library service, following the public consultation last year and the final decisions made by Norfolk County Council Cabinet in January 2023. We are preparing to decommission one mobile library and continue to operate five vehicles, and an electric mini mobile, due for commission later this year. In accordance with the key principles agreed by Members, Norfolk Library and Information Service will cease the majority of stops that happen within 1.5 miles of a branch library.
We will be working with customers to ensure they know what is happening. Anyone that is unable to visit a branch library will be able to contact their local library and request a visit from the Home Library Service (HLS) that we operate in partnership with the Royal Voluntary Services (RVS).
Every route and stop has now been reviewed and whilst we have tried as hard as we can to minimise disruption, it does mean that in a number of cases the day and time which the mobile library visits has had to change. This is to ensure that we make best use of the mobile library resource for as many people and communities that we can.
I am attaching a copy of the new timetables for your Parish. Can we please ask that the changes are placed in you Parish newsletters if you have one.
Customers at all affected stops are being given a copy of the new timetable and the planned introduction date for the revised services is Monday 3rd July. All the new stop and route information will be on our website www.norfolk.gov.uk/libraries (available from 30th June).
Should you have any comments about these amendments please don’t hesitate to contact us at central.mobiles.lib@norfolk.gov.uk
Best wishes
The Mobile Library Team
Community Information & Learning
Tel: 01603 222594 | Dept: 01603 222303
Whitegates, Norwich Rd,Hethersett, NR9 3DN
NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL proposes to make a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (WTRO4081) affecting the A10 Eastern Bypass from its junction with the A10 Lynn Road Roundabout for 68m southwards in the TOWN OF DOWNHAM MARKET to facilitate Norfolk County Council surfacing works.
The road will be temporarily closed (except for access) between 19:00 on 30th and 06:00 on 31st May 2023, only while signs indicating the closure are in place, for the duration of the works expected to be about 10 hours within the period.
Alternative route is via: Eastern Bypass (A10), Bexwell Road, Downham Road, Lynn Road, Wereham Bypass, College Road, Decoy Road, Feltwell Road, Southery Bypass (A10), Lynn Road (A10), Main Road, Fordham Bypass (A10). (Southery, Downham Market, Crimplesham, Wereham, Methwold, West Dereham, Ryston Fordham, Hilgay Stradsett, Denver).
If necessary, the restriction could run for a maximum period of 18 months from the date of the Order.
Penalty: £1000 maximum fine on conviction and/or endorsement for contravention.
In the event of the start date being delayed the new start date will be displayed on site in advance.
The team dealing with enquiries at Norfolk County Council is West Area Streetworks (Community and Environmental Services Department) contactable by telephone at 0344 800 8020 or email at streetworks@norfolk.gov.uk. Details are also available at https://one.network.
Dated this 12th day of May 2023.
Katrina Hulatt
Director of Legal Services (nplaw)
County Hall
Martineau Lane
NORFOLK COUNTY COUNCIL proposes to make a Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (WTRO3998) affecting the Long Lane from its junction with Portal Close to its junction with Hereward Way in the PARISH OF FELTWELL to facilitate Norfolk County Council footway reconstruction and resurfacing works.
The road will be temporarily closed (except for access) from 22nd May to 16th June 2023 for the duration of the works expected to be about 26 days within the period.
Alternative route is via: Long Lane, Short Lane, Short Beck, Hythe Road, Feltwell Road, Methwold Road, Severalls Road, Broad Drove, Decoy Road, Southery Road (Southery, Methwold, Feltwell).
If necessary, the restriction could run for a maximum period of 18 months from the date of the Order.
Penalty: £1000 maximum fine on conviction and/or endorsement for contravention.
In the event of the start date being delayed the new start date will be displayed on site in advance.
The team dealing with enquiries at Norfolk County Council is West Area Streetworks (Community and Environmental Services Department) contactable by telephone at 0344 800 8020 or email at streetworks@norfolk.gov.uk. Details are also available at https://one.network.
Dated this 5th day of May 2023.
Katrina Hulatt
Director of Legal Services (nplaw)
County Hall
Martineau Lane
NOTICE OF ELECTION - Kings Lynn and West Norfolk - click here
TIMETABLE - click here
Notice of Elections Thursday 4th May 2023
Kings Lynn & West Norfolk
Election of Parish Councillors
for Methwold, Methwold Hythe & Brookville all parish councillors automatically become part of the Sole Trustee for Methwold Hall Complex Charitable Trust
Please click on the following link for details of the parish elections and information if you wish to stand for election.
Methwold Hot Spot - come along to the 21 Room at the Complex every Wednesday from 3pm until 7pm for a free hot meal, children welcome.
Are you worried about paying bills this winter?
Please click here for information on other help and advice
Vacancy for Parish Councillor August 2022 - Casual Vacancy Notice
There are currently four vacancies, please contact the Clerk
Temporary Road Closure Notice May 2022
Temporary closure of Hythe Road in the parish of Methwold - AW works to fit fire hydrant (WTRO3121) click here to see notice
Vacancy for Parish Councillor April 2022 - Casual Vacancy Notice
There are currently 4 vacancies, if you would be interested in becoming a parish councillor please contact the Clerk.
The National Association of Local Councils (NALC) has released a new video starring viral sensation, Jackie Weaver, to help get more people involved in local (parish and town) councils JACKIE WEAVER
Methwold Mobile Library Dates 2022 - 2023
Section 119 of the Highways Act 1980
Norfolk County Council (Methwold Footpath No. 4) Diversion Order 2021 - Click here to read
Ref: HW/12/82/PMB328/PB/PC
For Immediate Release
21 May 2021
Road Closure for surfacing works in Methwold – B1160 Decoy Road / College Road – Update
Works were due to begin on Saturday 22 May 2021 to reconstruct and resurface sections of the B1160 Decoy Road / College Road from 860m north of the C872 Feltwell Road / B1160 Decoy Road junction to 20m south of the access to the Wissington sugar beet factory entrance.
The start of these works will unfortunately now be delayed due to circumstances beyond our control. We hope that they will now commence on or soon after Tuesday 1st June, the works are expected to take four weeks to complete, weather permitting.
While the work is underway, we will need to close this section of the B1160 Decoy Road / College Road, 24 hours a day for the duration, so we can carry out the work safely and swiftly. This means that the road will not be able to be used as a through route and that there will be no access to the C36 Broad Drove from the B1160 Decoy Road / College Road junction for four weeks. A fully signed official diversion route for the B1160 Decoy Road will be in place and access to the C36 Broad Drove will need to be made from the east (Methwold Hythe) direction.
We will do our best to maintain access to businesses and properties within the road closure area however due to the nature of the works and the size of the plant required for the works some delays may be unavoidable and access will need to be from one end of the closure dependant on where our plant is operating at that time. Members of the team will be on site ready to assist and advise on the best direction to obtain access.
We will put signs in place to let people know that businesses are open as usual and we will tell emergency services and bus companies about the closures, so that they can plan for their vehicles. We have planned this work, so it does not clash with the sugar beet campaign in order to minimise disruption on this key route.
The County Council thanks everyone for their patience while this essential resurfacing work is carried out.
The work which is expected to cost approximately £800,000 will be carried out by Norfolk County Council’s Community and Environmental Services Department and their contractors.
For Further Information
Paul Beavan, Tarmac Construction Agent, 0344 800 8020.
Up-to-date information about roadworks in Norfolk is available on the County Council website at www.norfolk.gov.uk/roadworks
Temporary closure of Methwold footpath 9 in the Parish of Methwold - public safety (my ref: WTRO2564)
Please find attached the following documents in relation to a temporary road closure or traffic restriction in your area.
1. The Order - Click on link to read
This allows the Traffic Authority (Norfolk County Council) to temporarily restrict or prohibit the use of a road and/or footpath.
2. The ‘Propose To’ Notice (PT) - Click on link to read
This is the public Notice we must advertise at least seven days before making an Order.
3. The ‘Has Made’ Notice (HM) - Click on link to read
This is the public Notice we must advertise within 14 days of making an Order.
The proposed Order comes into effect on the date shown. The date on the notices is when they will appear in the Eastern Daily Press. If we have to change any dates, we will let you know. If you have any questions about the Order and notices, please contact Alison Wilton on (01603) 222591.
If any dates have to be changed we will let you know as soon as possible bearing in mind government advice is constantly under review.
If you have any questions about the work, please contact the Area Highways Office on the number given on the notices.
Please find attached the following documents in relation to a temporary road closure or traffic restriction in the Methwold area.
1. The Order - click on link to read
This allows the Traffic Authority (Norfolk County Council) to temporarily restrict or prohibit the use of a road and/or footpath.
2. The ‘Propose To’ Notice (PT) - click on link to read
This is the public Notice we must advertise at least seven days before making an Order.
3. The ‘Has Made’ Notice (HM) -
This is the public Notice we must advertise within 14 days of making an Order.
The proposed Order comes into effect on the date shown. The date on the notices is when they will appear in the Eastern Daily Press.
Borough Council of Kings Lynn & West Norfolk - (Planning, Bin Collections, Dog Fouling, Noise Nuisance, Environmental Health, Housing Register, Council Tax) Visit their website https://www.west-norfolk.gov.uk Tel: 01553 616200
Norfolk County Council - website https://www.norfolk.gov.uk/ Tel: 0344 800 8020
Police Priority Setting Meetings 2023 - Click here