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Parish Council - OpenSpaces

The Parish Council are responsible for the following areas:


Some Streetlights - The parish council own a number of the streetlights around the parish, the remainder are the responsibility of Norfolk County Council who have their own contractor.

If you would like to report any streetlight which is not working please contact the Clerk who will either arrange for the Contractor to repair, or will pass the repair onto Norfolk County Council's Contractor.


Alternatively you can report any problems by visiting


Grasscutting - Churchyard, Cemetery - Old & New areas, Lower Green & Fair Hill village greens, Recreation Ground and the wild flower meadow which is cut once a year in September/October.  


Dog Waste Bins - there are 8 bins around the parish, these are emptied every Wednesday by the Borough Council.  


Litter Bins - There are 8 litter bins around the parish, these are emptied twice a month by Methwold Parish Council.


Noticeboards - In Methwold, Methwold Hythe & Brookville


Benches - on the recreation ground, Cemetery, and in Methwold, Brookville and Methwold Hythe


SAMs2 Unit - We have 1 unit which can be sited in various designated locations around the three villages.   










Call Center
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